
Putting Faith into Action

Rosemont Baptist Church believes in living out the Great Commission. We go beyond the four walls of our sanctuary to make a real-world impact. Whether it's through mission trips, local community service, or sponsoring youth programs, we are committed to embodying Jesus' call to 'fish for people.'
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Mission Trips to West Virginia

Bringing Light to the Appalachian Hills

Every July, Rosemont embarks on a mission trip to West Virginia, aiming to uplift communities in the Appalachian region. Our volunteers help build homes, provide essential supplies, and share the Gospel, creating lasting change and fulfilling spiritual needs.
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Youth Mission Trips

Shaping Tomorrow's Spiritual Leaders Today

In June, our youth take their turn to step out in faith. These mission trips are not just about doing good; they are character-building experiences that help our young people understand the significance of service and the transformative power of faith.
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Children’s Mission Camp

Planting Seeds of Faith in Young Hearts

Our July Mission Camp offers children the chance to learn about the Bible, partake in community service projects, and begin their lifelong journey of discipleship. This immersive experience builds a strong foundation for a lifetime of faith and service.
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Mission 522 for Youth

Local Compassion, Global Impact

Mission 522 is our homegrown initiative where our youth actively serve the local community. From food drives to community clean-ups, we ensure that our immediate neighborhood also benefits from our church’s mission of spreading love and faith.
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Sponsoring Mission Trips for College Students

Empowering the Next Generation

We extend our missionary work to college students by sponsoring their mission trips. We believe that faith in action is an essential part of Christian development and lifelong spiritual fulfillment.

Rosemont Baptist Church
- Where Faith Meets Action.

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